BTS Daycamps for students ages 10 & up
Walltown not only trains students to perform on stage and in front of the camera, but also trains them to fill the roles that help bring our productions to life. Each of our day camps focuses on one or two aspects of behind the scenes work.
Stage Management ~ Set Design/Construction ~ Costume Design/Props ~ Sound Design/Tech ~ Lighting Design/Tech ~ Photography/Videography ~ Audio Recording/Studio Engineering
Sound Operation/Live Mix Engineering Behind the scenes - where the REAL magic happens!! |
BTS Camp Fee ~ $25
Upcoming Camp Dates:
Our Workday Camps coincide with the Durham Public Schools (DPS) Traditional Calendar Teacher Work Days and require registration for each day.
2024-2025 Season
Future (Tentative) Workday Camps Monday, Feb 17, 2025 Monday, Mar 10, 2025 Monday, Apr 21, 2025 |
Monday February 17, 2025
Lighting Design w/Erin Bell Theater lighting design is the art of creating the visual atmosphere and mood of a theatrical production by strategically placing and controlling lighting fixtures on stage, using different colors and intensities to highlight key moments, characters, and settings, essentially acting as a visual storytelling tool alongside the script and performance elements; a lighting designer is responsible for this process, collaborating with the director to achieve the desired effect through lighting cues. This workshop is all day. Please have your child prepared and dressed appropriately: * NO baggy clothes, but should be comfortable - Long Pants & Shirt (that they can get dirty) * Flat Closed Toe Rubber Soled Shoes (no sandals or crocs) * Hair tied back ** Bring work gloves, notepads, pencils March 10, 2025
Workshop TBD Workshop description April 21, 2025
Scenic Design, Theater Safety & Set Construction w/Erik Benson Scenic Design and Set Construction are critical to immersing audiences in the worlds where theatrical productions take place. These skill sets work in concert to spring a Director's vision to life. This workshop is divided into two separate sessions and students may attend one or both. The first session will be geared toward older students and the second, which is more hands on, is appropriate for students 8 & up.
** Please have your child dressed appropriately:
NO baggy clothes, but should be comfortable - Long Pants & Shirt (that they can get dirty) Flat Closed Toe Rubber Soled Shoes (no sandals or crocs) Hair tied back bring work gloves, notepads, pencils |
Your child will need to:
The requests for BTS Camps may vary depending on the content of the camp
-bring snacks & lunch (microwave is available)
-bring water bottle (water filler is available) -wear comfortable clothes and flat rubber soled shoes (no sandals or crocs) - bring work gloves (for all lighting camps), notepads, pencils |
Daycamp Structure
Walltown's BTS Day camps bring production work to life with hands-on learning
Sample Schedule
9:30 - Ice Breakers/Theater Games 10:00 - Session I 12:00 - lunch 12:30 - Session II 2:30 - Dismissal |
Staff will be available to receive students at 9:00am on camp days.
Campers should be picked up no later than 3:00pm. |
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