Etiquette / Dress / Conduct Codes

WCT Fall/Spring Session tuition is based on an entire season of instruction beginning August 26, 2024 and ending on May 24, 2025. All students are reregistered for the entire season, which consists of roughly 8 months of instruction when considering Holidays, a 5-week winter break and a 1-week spring break. Tuition is not based on the number of classes in a month or on attendance. There is NO refund for missed classes.
Class Etiquette
- Always arrive on time. If you can’t avoid being late, make eye contact with the teacher prior to entering class and wait for their permission to enter. When possible, notify your instructor if you will be late or absent. After class, be sure to apologize for your late arrival.
- Be prepared for class: Avoid In & Outs. Students should arrive early to use the restroom or do it at the very beginning of class. Remember everything you need for class prior to heading into the studio. Unless its an emergency, which can happen, avoid disrupting class to use the restroom. Dancers going in and out can be distracting to your peers, as well as for the instructor. You may also miss something important if you are not in class.
- Be quiet and listen while your dance teacher is giving instructions. That means no talking when your teacher is talking. Try to listen for the answer yourself, before interrupting class with a question that has already been asked and answered.
- Pay attention at all times and stand like a dancer always. You should always present yourself with good posture and show that that you are ready to learn. Dancers shouldn’t sit down in class (unless instructed to do so) or hang on the barre.
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Your dance teachers are there to help you become a better dancer! Be sure to ask for clarification when necessary. Ask questions by raising your hand and waiting for the teacher to call on you. This will help when you are confused to improve and progress as a dancer.
- Demonstrate good spatial awareness. Be aware of your body as you are moving through the movements. This includes giving the instructor space and not crowding other students.
- Be courteous and respectful. At the end of class, applaud and thank the instructor. Show them your appreciation for the planning and preparation that went into class.
- Stay for the entire class. It’s always best to stay for the entire duration of the class, but if you must leave early, talk to the teacher beforehand and make your exit as quickly and discreetly as possible.
- Try your best. Give 110% always. If you realize you are in a dance class that’s above your skill level, never walk out of a class or sit down in frustration! Hang in there and try your best! No one will fault you for that. Practice makes PROGRESS!
- Parents make sure you allow the dancer teacher to do their job! If you have a question or comment, feel free to talk to the teacher after class (not during). If the teacher has a subsequent class to prepare for, please make arrangements to consult at another time.
Dress Code
Proper shoes and attire must be worn to participate in dance classes. Teachers need to be able to see the students body in order to make adequate corrections. Please adhere to the dress code. Hair should be pulled back off the face for all classes.
Girls: Any color leotard with any color tights and split-sole ballet shoes. No large jewelry permitted in class. Hair should be pulled back neatly in a bun. Boys: Short sleeved t-shirt (tucked in) with black shorts/tights/pants & ballet shoes. Hip Hop Boys & Girls: Comfortable clothing with sneakers |
Girls: Black leotard or fitted top & black footless tights or leggings. No large jewelry permitted in class. Hair should be pulled back. Boys: T-shirt with black form fitting bottoms Tap/Jazz Boys & Girls: Jazz pants or shorts with black tap/jazz shoes and socks |
Attire in non-dance classes is not closely prescribed. Pants/skirts should not be excessively revealing, with no language printed across the rear. Shirts and blouses should have no offensive language displayed on either side. Positive and/or inclusive messages are allowed. Office staff reserve the right to request a student adjust and/or change their attire when deemed inappropriate and will communicate with parent/guardian on factors leading to any such decisions.
WCT Behavior & Discipline Policy
Walltown Children’s Theatre is committed to creating a safe, orderly and inviting space for everyone. In order to do so, we must have behavior and discipline policies enforced.
WCT will not tolerate any kind of “non-peaceful behavior” which include but are not limited to (1) intentional verbal hurting, (2) exclusion/hurtful teaching, (3) aggressive physical contact, (4) threatening gestures, (5) intentional destruction of property, (6) repetitive leaving of assigned area, (7) disrespecting adult figures.
Students must comply to our behavior policy in the following circumstances:
• while in our buildings before, during or after program hours
• when subject to the authority of WCT employees
• walking from the bus stop
• at any place or time when the student’s behavior has or is reasonably expected to have a direct and immediate impact on the orderly and efficient operation of the schools or the safety of individuals in the school environment.
Students that participate in these behaviors will have consequences. Disciplinary measures or responses may include but are not limited to, the following:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Incident Report (write up)
3. Parental Involvement
4. Suspension
5. Exclusion from activities
6. Loss of privileges (visiting the park etc)
7. Expulsion
WCT will not tolerate any kind of “non-peaceful behavior” which include but are not limited to (1) intentional verbal hurting, (2) exclusion/hurtful teaching, (3) aggressive physical contact, (4) threatening gestures, (5) intentional destruction of property, (6) repetitive leaving of assigned area, (7) disrespecting adult figures.
Students must comply to our behavior policy in the following circumstances:
• while in our buildings before, during or after program hours
• when subject to the authority of WCT employees
• walking from the bus stop
• at any place or time when the student’s behavior has or is reasonably expected to have a direct and immediate impact on the orderly and efficient operation of the schools or the safety of individuals in the school environment.
Students that participate in these behaviors will have consequences. Disciplinary measures or responses may include but are not limited to, the following:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Incident Report (write up)
3. Parental Involvement
4. Suspension
5. Exclusion from activities
6. Loss of privileges (visiting the park etc)
7. Expulsion