Facilities Use, Care & Safety

WCT believes wholeheartedly in the concept of the "Village". It is imperative that we work together to ensure the safety and well-being of all our students and the preservation of our facilities. As we continue to invest in repairs, upgrades, and overall maintenance of our facilities, we implore you to help us maintain the projects we have completed and the supply/equipment items we have invested in.
Walltown is our dance home - a place we are proud of - let's take care of it together!!
Walltown is our dance home - a place we are proud of - let's take care of it together!!
For the Benefit of your ChildNo food or drinks other than water inside the studios. No exceptions! Other sugary/salty drinks may not promote the level of hydration a young performer requires.
No cell phones, smart watches (like Apple Watch), smart earphones (like Air Pods) are allowed in the studios or Black Box at any time. If they are inside a dance bag, they should be turned off. If dancers are wearing these in class, they will be asked to remove and place in their bag until class is over. WTown is not a large place, but there are opportunities around the building for accidents and injury to occur. Please keep an eye on your children, when they are in the parking lot and around the building - no running or climbing on trees, trash cans, or the building PLEASE! All children under 10 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times unless they are in class. All personal belongings may be kept in the hallway cubbies or in the studio with the dancer if needed. WTC is not responsible for items left behind. Please make sure you check for all your belongings before leaving the studio. Preschool and Kindergarten Parents: Please ensure your dancer goes to the restroom BEFORE class begins to avoid accidents and disruptions to class. Please make an effort to be prompt! Excessive tardiness picking up your child will result in additional fees as we may not have the ability to supervise them outside of the classroom and have to divert staff from other responsibilities to do so. No parents, friends, or siblings are allowed in the classroom at any time. This is for the benefit of your dancer. They will learn more if we have their complete attention. Vertical Divider
For the Preservation of the TheatreNo food or drinks other than water inside the studios. No exceptions! Spilled colored and sugary drinks are hard to clean from furniture and upholstery, create hazards for other performers, and attract critters.
Please refrain from destructive behaviors such as
WTown is an older building, if you or your student sees any damaged furniture, equipment, or potential hazards in and/or around our facilities, please notify the office staff on duty so that we may address it repair and remove potential hazards. Students (Other than Tech Crew students) are NOT allowed in the tech booth at any time. they are also barred from touching and Audio/visual equipment that may be set up in any room of the Theatre. |