Voice Instruction
Will help singers to work and aspire beyond their current abilities and expectations while broadening musical skills and knowledge. This class is inclusive and is structured for beginner to advanced students. Singing engages youth to connect to themselves in a very personal way. RV teacher Cara Williams always explains to audiences that music has a way of touching hearts before the mind has a chance to alter the message. Ensemble Groups A deeper dive into the concept of community singing, Will focus on solo, duet and small group performances. Singers work on vocal technique, blending, and harmonies, and are encouraged through the process of developing their individual artistic sound(s). Songwriting
Songwriting is designed to enable young people to explore and express their thoughts and feelings through writing lyrics with the goal of performing them (or having a classmate perform them). While engaged in the creative process, songwriting students are guided toward writing and reflecting their ideas in a positive way, and are introduced to the workflow of music production—song conception, lyrics, melody, song formation, structure development and arrangement for a cappella or accompaniment. Although primarily focused on the individual, the process also allows students to learn to collaborate and write songs with other artists. |
Guitar Lessons (Private)
Students focus on basic guitar, reading musical notation, and exploration of rhythm, melody, form, dynamic and tempo. Students may enter these lessons with no previous experience. Private lessons are scheduled individually with the instructor according to the students & teacher's schedules. Guitar students perform in session recitals and as part of WT year-end celebrations either live or pre-recorded. * We do-not have guitars for student rental at this time. |
Rhythm Foundations
This class is geared towards those who have little or no prior drumming experience, but also accommodates intermediate players. We cover basics such as: holding and striking a drum properly, basic coordination drills, rhythms, and playing as a group. Please purchase a pair of drum sticks upon registration. Private Drumming Lessons For students ready to engage in more focused learning of Piano technique, we offer private lessons. Our percussion teachers are matched with students for one-on-one learning for 30mn, 45mn, or 60mn sessions depending on age and ability. |